
Out team

Design practice proves that the development of a complex building system is most effective under the conditions of the joint work of specialists who are maximally knowledgeable in their field, who, nevertheless, understand the existing limitations and opportunities of other areas and are able to find optimal solutions together. We pay great attention to professional knowledge and individual qualities of employees to increase the working potential of the company and promote the teaming of groups of different professionals.


Sergiy Efimenko


With 20 years of presence in the market of design services our company gained recognition and respect. Our partners and clients have set us complicated goals and interesting tasks, which gave our experienced specialists an opportunity to reveal their talents, and our young members to exercise themselves. Our team is created during the search of talented and ambitious personalities, capable of both creative thinking and responsible decision making. Collaboration of several generations, inheritance of design traditions along with conscious use of innovative instruments allowed our enterprise to confidently occupy its own niche in the design business in Ukraine. Corporate spirit and high responsibility of each team member are, without any exaggeration, the foundation of our success.

Arthur Vinter

Chief Architect

The realization of any architectural object requires large amount of investments. The cost of design works is a minor part of building price, yet this stage is crucial to overall success and life cycle of an architectural object. To paraphrase what is called “the Vitruvius triad” – “strength, utility and beauty” – each and every architectural object must fulfill 3 major requirements:
  • High quality of architectural solutions that guarantee the harmony between exterior image and interior structure;
  • Optimal structural solutions that guarantee strength, stability and economy;
  • ТManufacturability, obtained by optimal combination of planning layout, structural design and engineering systems providing the vital functions of a building.
Our team of highly qualified specialists with long-standing expertise in the design of objects of different purpose is capable of creating high-quality and successful designs for any development.

Artem Efimenko

Assistant director, chief project engineer

Taking part in the birth of a new architectural object is the most pleasant thing about design process. Communication with the client, work scheduling and planning, solving different engineering and technical tasks are parts of this process. No matter whether we work on a small shop or a large trade center, individual single-storey house or a residential complex – each and every building and structure has its own purpose and features. Every project we accomplish is a result of coordinated cooperative work of professional team, where each of the members work in a way to be proud of the result.


Our multidisciplinary team of architects brings together versatile specialists who are able to both generate bold, conceptual innovative solutions, and scrupulously elaborate the working implementation aspects. Distribution of specific tasks among the most suitable specialists is adjacent to joint collaboration work, and this helps to stimulate the exchange of knowledge between team members.
Designing in an urban environment requires well-considered decisions on the binding of an object to the plot. Our masterplanning specialists have extensive experience in all branches of this design realm, including the construction general plan, vertical planning of the territory, landscaping and others.
Water is the basis of life. This statement is also true for the man-made environment. Our specialists of the water supply and sewerage department professionally and responsibly approach the process of designing internal and external water supply and sanitation systems, fire water supply systems, and calculating the loads on city networks. There is a constant search for new practical solutions aimed at recycling and conservation of water resources.
Specialists in heating, ventilation and air conditioning in today’s conditions of rapid climate change and the rise of standards of comfort in premises for various purposes are a highly demanded group of the design industry. Our organization employs an experienced and modern team that focuses on heating, ventilation, air conditioning, smoke removal using the widest range of engineering solutions and methods.
Modern architecture is unthinkable without electricity. Comfort, aesthetics, stable operation of life-supporting engineering systems depend on it. Our electrical engineering specialists focus on a rational approach to the design of internal electrical networks, and constantly expand their design vision beyond their discipline into such important areas as safety, energy efficiency, night facade aesthetics and others.
The constructive part of any building, remaining “in the shadow” of the architectural shell, nevertheless makes up a significant and fundamental share of that invisible part of the “iceberg” of each project, which is hidden from the eyes of a final user. Our structural department masterfully develops bold and ambitious projects, applying both innovative and time-tested solutions. We take an extremely responsible approach to calculating the loads on the supporting system of a building, because the lives of people, and not just the structure itself, depend on its stability and strength.